Well Here is an update...

Dec 13, 2005 08:33

I started lifting again.
It feels so good to have that worn out, muscles aching, teeth clenching pain again. Makes you feel accomplished. It's nice to wake up, and look at yourself in the mirror, and see all the definition you wanted, because your mucles tightened and stretched over night...sadly it will all be hidden by your fat belly by noon because you had lunch! GAH. I switched to a new job. 7.25 an hour to wash dishes for the elderly, and I get free drinks, and pretty good resturant food. See yah Paradise.

Anyways, back to lifting...
I want to be big, not toned. I mean sure it would be nice, but being a pretty boy who can't lift much, doesn't really suit my attitude. Sure I could go run 5 miles a day, and tone up real easy. But I figure I'll do that when I start getting old and fat. For now, I like being strong. I've realized I want to be so much more than I am, but I also realize that I won't be able to without hard work, and that of course has always been a sacrifice I've been willing to make.

I'm pretty sure I've met my goals as I wanted them as of freshman year...wow, I look at pictures of myself then...what a cream puff...But hard work and determination is what has gotten me here, to the point I want to be. As of today, I have higher expectations for myself.
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