Post #24

Dec 16, 2012 23:26

Fics (#23)

The Weather Channel infinite, woohyun/sunggyu
Sharing the Stage 4minute/after school/kara/secret/sistar
and i'm joining up the dots exo, kai/d.o
i'll follow you until you love me exo, gen
grip block b, b-bomb/zico
untitled btob, hyunsik/sungjae
we are infinite shinee, gen
start over reply 1997, joonhee/yoonjae
wonderful tonight b1a4/ ( Read more... )

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filled: exo, kai/suho (part 4/4) anonymous January 2 2013, 11:05:44 UTC
"That was not part of the plan."

Joonmyun keeps his eyes fixed on the floor. He's been in the same situation years back, when he caused a wedding to be called off by firing an arrow at the groom's best friend and making the best friend stop the wedding. The act nearly cost him his job, but the good result saved him from being sacked.

"I know. I-"

"I don't understand why you're doing this again when you already know the repercussions of your actions." Kris massages his temples, eyes tightly shut and lips pressed thinly together. "Are you stupid?"

"Everything worked out in the end, okay. It's not as if I actually ruined a friendship or-"

"You don't get it, do you?" Kris stands from his seat and walks a few steps forward, closer to Joonmyun. "You fire an arrow at that Lu Han person and he returns Jongin's feelings. Then what? Lu Han will hate Jongin and blame Jongin for the decline of his career when Jongin screws up that operation? Or, you know, let's take a different route - the operation is a success, they get all lovey dovey for a few months until Jongin decides that he's too busy to be in love with a singer. He's a quitter, Joonmyun. You know he is. That thing with Taemin - Taemin turned him down because he just… disappeared!"

"I thought if Lu Han reciprocated earlier than expected, maybe Jongin wouldn't-"

"You thought that was the case. You're not sure about that yet. We stick to these plans for a reason, Joonmyun. We stick to them because they're the best route to take, the safest road to tread."

Joonmyun shakes his head. "But nothing's ever safe when it comes to falling in love."

Without another word, Joonmyun turns around and leaves.

The day of the operation finally comes. Jongin goes the usual routine of getting the vital signs, then gives Lu Han's hand a gentle squeeze. "It'll be alright," Jongin tells Lu Han as the latter gets ushered into the operating room. "It will be alright."

But things don't go according to plan.

What is supposed to be a quick operation turns into the most grueling ten minutes of Jongin's life. Things are going smoothly until Lu Han's heart rate shoots up, then down, and continues to fluctuate for the next few seconds. "What's happening," Jongin complains, voice still steady, but his hands are already trembling. "What the fuck is happening- We're losing him!"

"I think it's the anesthesia-"

"What do you mean you think it's the anesthesia? I told you to make sure to check that he's not allergic to this!"

Jongin struggles to stabilize Lu Han's heart rate, his condition, but to no avail. Lu Han's heart rate slowly drops, and Jongin still doesn't give up, calling out orders to remedy the situation.

Joonmyun shoots a glance Kyungsoo who's at the other end of the room and hangs his head low.

"He's- He's stabilizing! Dr. Kim, the patient is stabilizing!"

"That was a bold move."

Joonmyun chuckles. He stretches his arms behind his back, letting the burning sensation draw a line down his spine. He's as good as immobile for the next few months, but he doesn't really mind. Salvaging a life is a good exchange for his wings.

"Did you really have to, though? Kyungsoo was going to save him, anyway-"

"I had to bargain with your friend, a piece of me for a piece of life," Joonmyun says, interrupting. "He can be quite the negotiator."

Kris laughs. "He's Destiny for a reason."

Joonmyun nods, then shifts his gaze to Jongin, then to Lu Han. He laughs a little; seeing two young men act like an oddly old couple - Jongin helping Lu Han sit up, and Lu Han squeezing Jongin's hand soon after - still makes him feel a bit hopeful about fairytale endings.

He opens Jongin's case folder and scribbles notes at the bottom, then signs it off.

Alternate ending, output still the same.

Kim Joonmyun
Head Cupid


eeek i hope this is what you wanted, anon! the suho/kai was implied and i wanted to delve a bit more into their romantic relationship or at least show more of suho pining after kai, but idk if that would add anything to the story so :( i'm so sorry :(


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