Post #21

Nov 25, 2012 10:52

Fics ( #20)

notice me this year exo, kris/tao
trois exo, fem!Sehun/luhan/kai
A Matter of Perspective exo, kris/luhan
clandestine exo; kris/baekhyun
untitled beast, doojoon/dongwoon
untitled snsd, hyoyeon/seohyun
untitled infinite, sunggyu/dongwoo

There's a new delicious archive for seoulfulness run by anon(s) who aren't me hereFor flat view, ( Read more... )

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fill: lovebug (5/?) anonymous December 3 2012, 07:52:46 UTC
The next time he sees Chanyeol the tickles are back full force, and fuck if he hasn't noticed a pattern by now. Chanyeol is leaning against the wall outside his office, his hands jammed into his pocket, head bobbing a little to the music Yifan presumes is coming out of his headphones. Chanyeol smiles when he sees Yifan, then frowns a little, hand touching his heart for a bit, like the tickles were back for him, too. This is getting to be something out of the movies and it is freaking Yifan out.

"Hi?" Chanyeol grins at him, slightly hesitantly, like he doesn't know if he's putting Yifan out.

"Hi," Yifan replies, jamming his hands into his coat pockets so he doesn't clap a hand over his chest.

Chanyeol's grin grows wider. "I was wondering if you'd let me treat you to, like, a meal?"

Yifan does a double take, blinking confusedly at him.

"I hope I'm not breaching regulations or anything, I just, you know. Want to thank you for saving my life."

Yifan blinks again, and faintly registers that the tickles are slowing to a happy little hum, now, still warming his heart right up. He is more than a little freaked out.

"I - what - how did you know?" He manages.

Chanyeol grins again, even wider this time (Yifan hadn't thought it possible). "I knew you sounded really familiar. I happened to walk by the A&E this morning while you were there and I heard you yelling about That just totally sounded like the voice in my head that's been there ever since I got hospitalised. And I went to the nurses and asked them about the doctors on duty the night I was sent in here.... and yeah."

Yifan doesn't even know what to say. The hum is so comfortable (yet also kind of foreign) in his chest that he would be happy to have it there forever if not for the fact that this was really freaky. On top of being medically impossible. He opens and closes his mouth a few times before settling on something.

"It's my job." He smiles the polite smile he gives everyone. "You don't really have to treat me to anything."

"Awww, man." Chanyeol gives him a teeny sad pout. "I want to."

An okay bubbles out amidst the hum in his chest and escapes his throat before he can stop it, and he's mentally horrified to find a smile on his face to match Chanyeol's much larger grin.

They wind up at a casual Chinese place near the hospital after Yifan scribbles off the last two of his case reports for the day, Chanyeol making up most of the conversation. Yifan hasn't had a real conversation with anyone besides Zitao or Yixing or Lu Han in recent times; and he's not sure if it's the sheer fact that humans are social creatures and he has been deprived it so long that is making him continue talking to Chanyeol, offering bits of anecdotes from his own life, or that Chanyeol is really easy to talk to. It takes him a bit of warming up at first, but Chanyeol picks up on it and talks enough for both of them, till Yifan laughs and offers a few more sentences on his own. The comfortable hum in his chest is there the entire time, and Yifan thinks he might actually be able to get used to this. Chanyeol's talking and laughs distracts him from the second thought that would have followed usually - that this is ridiculous and simply scientifically impossible.

Yifan goes home that night tired but smiling, and after he takes his shower and falls into bed he's a little surprised to find that he's almost missing the hum that went away almost immediately after he'd said bye to Chanyeol.



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