Post #21

Nov 25, 2012 10:52

Fics ( #20)

notice me this year exo, kris/tao
trois exo, fem!Sehun/luhan/kai
A Matter of Perspective exo, kris/luhan
clandestine exo; kris/baekhyun
untitled beast, doojoon/dongwoon
untitled snsd, hyoyeon/seohyun
untitled infinite, sunggyu/dongwoo

There's a new delicious archive for seoulfulness run by anon(s) who aren't me hereFor flat view, ( Read more... )

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[fill] Feelings Gone Unspoken (2/?) anonymous November 26 2012, 03:08:28 UTC
When Luhan gets out of the bathroom, Sehun is dozing off, a bit of drool catching on his cheek. The older boy chuckles good-naturedly before nudging the younger one. Sehun groans and opens his eyes, coming face to face with a smiling and wet Luhan towel-drying his dirty blond hair. His heart starts pounding really fast, and fuck, if Luhan doesn’t move then he’ll do something really stupid like smash their faces together, and Sehun freaks out, all but fleeing to the bathroom.

Finding security from his exhausting feelings in the form of the bathroom door, Sehun leans against it and slides down, rubbing the balls of his palm against his eyes to prevent the tears from leaking out.


When the younger boy finally droops out of the bathroom, eyes suspiciously red, Luhan puts his football magazine away, figuring that his maknae takes precedence over Manchester United tonight.

“Hey, baby,” Luhan coos (Sehun flinches because he knows Luhan doesn’t mean it in that way, like the way he wishes Luhan would say it), “what’s up?”

Sehun stands helplessly by the bathroom, semi-wet hair making dark droplets on the carpet. He looks at everything but Luhan. Luhan purses his lips and pats the bed. “Come, tell me about your troubles. You remember what I said before, right?” And Sehun nods; of course he remembers. He was teased about it for days by Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and Jongin, after the interview came out.

Luhan pats the bed again and Sehun relents, dragging his feet all the way over to sit next to the older man. Luhan doesn’t stop there, though. He takes both of Sehun’s hands and places them on his lap (Sehun almost chokes on his breath because it’s so close to his-) and starts to stroke them with long, soothing motions. “So, come on. Tell me what’s bothering you.”

“I, uh, it’s really nothing,” he mumbles. Luhan pauses his hands and resumes a split second later.

“You’re a terrible liar when it comes to me.”

Sehun wrenches his hands out of Luhan’s lap and holds them vulnerably near his chin. “Hyung, it’s nothing, okay?!”

Luhan is startled because this is the first time that Sehun has ever lashed out like this. When he got them in trouble for sneaking out after practice, Sehun always shrugged it off carelessly and carried on smiling. Even that one time, a long time ago, when he accidentally lost Sehun’s expensive Dr. Dre Beats headphones, Sehun had only assured him that it was fine and gave him a hug. But this, Luhan doesn’t know how to handle.

He tentatively reaches out a hand but Sehun pulls back, lips quivering, so he lets it drop into his lap. “It’s me, isn’t it?” he asks forlornly. “You know, if you didn’t want to room with me, you could have just said so. Yixing usually rooms with me anyway. I just, Sehun-ah, please tell me what I did wrong.”

Sehun only shakes his head. “You didn’t do anything wrong, hyung,” he mumbles in a small voice.

“Then what?” Luhan demands, frustrated. “Do you not like me anymore? Do you not want to be friends anymore? Because if that’s what you want then I’ll walk out of here and stay out of your way-mmph!”


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