Post #8.

Aug 19, 2012 13:04

Apologies once again for posting early; I won't have internet access tonight, and wanted to make sure that I had ample time to post this part.

Fics ( #7)

Untitled (NU'EST, Aron/Minhyun)
Untitled (EXO-K/Infinite, Kai/Sungyeol)
A Little Too Far (B2ST, Dongwoon/Doojoon)
You've Got a Friend (ZE:A, Kevin/Taehun + Hyungshik/Kevin)
Untitled (Super Junior ( Read more... )

!prompt post

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the distraction called jongin, exo, lu han/kai anonymous August 22 2012, 03:59:31 UTC
kim jongin is luhan’s one and only distraction in this whole universe (he swears on it). when he acts cocky around the ladies and boys alike, when he flirts with the student teachers, when he answers with that smirk on his lips, when he points out luhan’s accent (which he thinks is actually disappearing at this point) and especially when he makes fun of his “cute” features. so all in all, anything that jongin does distracts/annoys/bothers luhan.

“i mean look at your eyes! it’s like they sparkle!” jongin states. when luhan furrows his eyebrows, jongin simply ruffles his hair and laughs.

now whenever luhan looks at a mirror, all he thinks is, “do they sparkle? they don’t. it’s just the light. that boy is silly. what is he even saying?” then he pauses and concludes that all his thoughts mean: i dislike him with a passion.

but somehow, he can’t seem to stay away from him. and it’s not that he doesn’t try avoiding him, because he does. but one way or another, jongin ends up near him.

“why do you keep following me around?” luhan asks, he’s really annoyed at this point because his mother always told him that if there came a time that he didn’t like someone, he should just stay away from them. but mr kim jongin was making that task very hard.

“following you?” he chuckles in amusement, “did you ever consider that we might have the same schedule?” jongin walks away then, shaking his head and laughing lightly.

luhan can feel the blood rush to his cheeks. no, he has never thought of that. but when he’s on the bus ride home, he remembers that jongin doesn’t even take the same course as him. the blush creeps back to his cheeks because he realises jongin was just playing with him again. the next day he doesn’t bring it up but jongin gives him knowing looks and cheeky grins throughout the day.

i hate him, luhan thinks. but he knows he doesn’t really.

weeks roll by and their friendship (is that what it should be classified as?) remain the same. jongin has become even more annoying but at least now luhan can actually carry a normal conversation with him without jongin becoming a nuisance.

they grow close, to what extent, luhan can’t tell. but they’re close enough that when jongin finds luhan crying in the toilet, he merely hugs him until he stopped.

luhan was thankful for that - but being stubborn, he refuses to say that out loud.

so one day, when they’re in the library and luhan is studying - and jongin is being his aloof self - luhan drops his book on the table and looks at jongin. the latter looks up from his phone, eyebrows raised. and they stay like that until luhan breaks the silence.

“you’re annoying, you know that?” luhan finally says.

“i know.” his usual smirk appears on his full lips and then he leans in and whispers, “but you can’t get enough of me anyway.”


op anonymous August 22 2012, 23:35:05 UTC
i'm so excited that someone filled this! it's actually my first time getting a prompt filled on an anonymous meme lol
i loved their dynamics so much and how jongin knows exactly how he was affecting lu han even before lu han knew it himself.
and the part where lu han is crying and jongin hugs him is so sweet :')
thank you so much anon!


Re: op anonymous August 23 2012, 10:24:36 UTC
woohoo! i'm glad you liked it then. i was worried that i might not have met expectations but yeah. you're very much welcome ^^


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