After a slow third week, post four yielded a lot of prompts -- and, more importantly, a lot of fills! I was afraid that we were slowing down, but you guys really put a lot of effort into making post four a good one, and I have faith in you to continue leaving prompts and writing (or drawing, as one anon did!) fills. ♥
Fics (
Suho as a Composer (
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younger brother kibum is the pride of the family and everyone knows that. he is part of the school’s choir, vice president of the student council, and he has the best marks in all of his classes since the beginning of first year. his parents had always given him a little bit more, from the bigger ice cream cake for his fifth birthday to the school trips that he was allowed to go on during spring break.
jonghyun is average, mediocre. he isn’t the best, nor is he the worst, and so that makes his parents ignore him. he isn’t too bad, filled with drugs or cigarettes or his grades are below the fifties, nor is he too good that he forms a big shadow over kibum-heaven forbid that. jonghyun goes to school and he passes his classes well-enough, but he never raises his hand to answer any questions nor does he volunteer himself. he just sits in the middle of the class, listening. he doesn’t need to try.
he has two solid friends-jino and jinki. jino is a smart, chubby cherub, who gets a lot of girls by his cute looks and his soulful voice that usually sings in the choir and the talent shows. jinki, on the other hand, is a complete computer nerd who sticks to his nintendo ds and does exceptionally well in chemistry and physics. both of them say that he should push himself and get involved, but jonghyun just says that he really isn’t interested in that kind of stuff.
kibum has a lot of friends, but the ones that jonghyun sees more often are minho, dongwoon, jinwoon and woohyun. they talk (or sing, in the case of woohyun and jinwoon) so loudly that jonghyun usually finds himself under the oak tree in their backyard, his earphones in and his ipod on shuffle, barely humming along with the lyrics as he watches the light drip through the leaves.
“what do you want to be?” his guidance counselor asks him when he calls him down. he is in eleventh year now, these questions are coming up. jonghyun pushes back his dream-a singer, really?-and calls up the first job that he can think of, which happens to be his fathers.
“a lawyer,” jonghyun replies. the guidance counselor smiles and starts handing out papers that end up in the trash bin outside the guidance office later.
jonghyun doesn’t even remember the parks selling their house in the first place or these new people coming in. either way, kibum drags him out to the home, and forces him to knock on the door, because that’s what good people are supposed to do. kibum is all happiness and sparkles when a woman opens the door.
“hello, mrs. jung, yes? i’m kim kibum, and this is my older brother, jonghyun. i wanted to just invite you to the neighborhood! if you ever need anything from us, we’ll be totally willing to help!” jonghyun forces a smile on his face (you know, to seem polite), and the woman jumps up in glee, as if two rather attractive males at her doorstep offering up their services is exactly what she has been looking for.
“i have two daughters, you see, one named sooyeon and the other soojung. soojung is too young, she’s still in middle school, but sooyeon looks to be your age. she’s sixteen, in grade eleven. i’m driving soojung to school tomorrow, but i can’t get sooyeon there on time. do you think you boys could possibly get her there and help her? i know this is a big favour so early, but i want to make sure she’s ok.”
kibum smiles, “of course! unfortunately, i have student council tomorrow morning. i doubt she wants to be there at five o’clock. but jonghyun usually leaves at six-thirty, and he is in eleventh year, so he’ll be such a great help to your daughter.” jonghyun shoots a death glare at his brother, but before he can complain, mrs. jung jumps up and agrees whole-heartedly, and tells jonghyun to be at their porch the next morning at six-twenty.
and that is where he is the next morning at six-twenty, standing awkwardly, wearing his school uniform and a single earphone in his ear. it’s november so it’s shit cold and jonghyun wishes that he could have waited in his house instead of waiting for her, because he’s afraid that he might freeze his ass off if he waits a minute longer.
thankfully, the door opens just then, revealing a blonde girl that stands just a few centimeters shorter than him (which, according to kibum’s-best-friend minho, wouldn’t be that hard seeing as how short he is) wearing the winter uniform for girls (which is just a longer skirt, an undershirt and a sweater to cover it with high stockings) and music in her ears. a small smirk pulls at the ends of her lips as she closes the front door, throwing her backpack across her shoulder.
“sooyeon,” she introduces, not bothering to shake his hand or bow or anything, just lock the door and walk down the driveway beside him. they live on a very tightly-knit court at the end of the street, which opens to a park where people will play soccer or whatever they please. the homes on this street are rather extravagant, so the families were pretty much dirty rich.
she’s dirty rich, which is obvious by where she lives, but also the ring that sits on her middle finger. jonghyun is tempted to ask her if she is married or engaged or whatever that ring means, but she doesn’t know anything about her. jonghyun guesses that he won’t know much about her in the end, because she seems like someone like kibum-cool. and jonghyun is the opposite of cool.
“what are you listening to?” sooyeon asks, pointing at the earphone that jonghyun has stuck in his ear. jonghyun is taken aback-he had guessed that she would have probably ignored him and started listening to her own music, so he pulls his phone out of his pocket and hands it to her. he watches as she unlocks the screen and scrolls through his music library. she squeals when she lands on an artist, and steals one of his earphones, fitting it into her ear and singing along with the English lyrics.
jonghyun knows that this sooyeon girl is different.
first of all-her name is actually jessica jung. she was born in the states, but because of her father’s job, they recently moved back to south korea and jonghyun’s little neighbourhood.
“jessica,” jonghyun says, and jessica just laughs.
“stick to sica-it’s much easier to pronounce.” and so he does, and calls her that for the rest of the walk to school.
he gets to his class late and jinki is afraid that there is something wrong with him. jonghyun just chuckles. he keeps checking up at the clock, wondering if there was any possibility that they could share classes. probably not-he would have to get better grades for that. jonghyun sighs.
he goes to her house after school, accepting her invitation. they blast some american artist that jonghyun half-remembers, but jessica seems to know them well enough, for she sings the lyrics underneath her breath as she works on her math puzzles. jonghyun is good at math and jessica finds that a relief, because she hates it, and jonghyun finishes her homework for her as she talks about everything under the sun.
“what’s your brother like?” jessica asks, watching jonghyun work on her homework from the bed, a small smirk pulled on her lips.
“do you like him or something?” jonghyun asks, a small smile appearing on his face. her voice is nice and when she sings she sounds beautiful. “if you want to get closer to him you should join choir, then.” jessica laughs, rolling on her back and kicking her legs up into the air. her hair falls down the sides of the bed, contrasting to the purple and gray of her bed sheets.
“no. god no,” she answers when she finally composes herself, “i was just fueling the conversation. when i saw kibum asking you for lunch money today, you just looked thrilled to see him, is all.” jonghyun rolls his eyes, finding out the answer for x and putting the notebook away. he turns around on her chair, the wheels rolling against the hardwood, and crosses his arms.
“he’s kind of like a little bitch that gets my parents’ attention all the time. and he does all these weird things in order to get some attention but it never really works. no girl likes him that much, i’m pretty sure he’s gay, too. he can’t stand alcohol even if he pretends he can,” jonghyun describes, counting things off on his hand as he does so.
“can you?” jessica asks.
“can i do what?”
“can you stand alcohol?” she explains.
jonghyun smirks. “yes, i can.”
she leans underneath her bed and pulls out some malt whiskey. he climbs onto her bed and sits down in front of her. jessica rolls her eyes and unscrews the half-drunk bottle, takes a swig, and passes the clear bottle to him. they drink the rest of the bottle and end up as a giggling mess in her bedroom until jonghyun’s mother calls him back home for dinner. jonghyun offers to walk jessica to school the next day, too.
she grabs his wrist and pulls him close. with her other hand, she pulls the drag from out of her lips, and exhales in his face, letting the smoke go up his nostrils and into his mouth. she smirks, leaning back and letting him go, settling into the pillows of her bed. “you still don’t want any?” jonghyun has only one answer for that question: no, i want some.
they share the joint, passing it from pair of lips to pair of lips until nothing remains and they lay on the bed, exhausted and excited. jessica turns to him and hits his chest lightly. “i want you to sing. i like your singing voice.” jonghyun wraps his arm around jessica’s arm and sings her the first ballad that comes to mind.
jonghyun comes home after a night of partying, drunk and stumbling. kibum opens the door for him, his arms crossed. “you have mom and dad worried sick, you know? how could you be so stupid and selfish! everyone was so worried-sooyeon’s mother was also scared. sooyeon better be home, too.”
“fuck you kibum,” jonghyun says and pushes him out of the way.
“don’t you care about anything? ever since sooyeon came you’ve been involving yourself in things that you shouldn’t be. you were fine before, jonghyun-hyung; you don’t need to think that you needed more. many universities wanted you, you know? you’re smart and people these days need smart people to run things. gosh jonghyun. you just better get out of this really soon, or you’ll be done for.”
kibum storms past him and jonghyun doesn’t remember talking to him for the rest of the school year. it almost feels bad.
jessica drops down to his class the next year and they aren’t that surprised. but they end up sitting beside each other for the most of the year, passing love notes and gummy bears back and forth throughout class.
“we should maybe think of university,” jonghyun says one night up on his roof, a bottle of vodka in his grip. jessica laughs into the air, her breath ghosting in the air.
“why the hell can’t we just stay like we are right now?”
“because we’re wasting ourselves.”
“ain’t that the truth.”
probably 2.5 isn't longfic for you, but i wanted to fill the prompt. hope you like it!
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