Post #5.

Jul 29, 2012 20:49

After a slow third week, post four yielded a lot of prompts -- and, more importantly, a lot of fills! I was afraid that we were slowing down, but you guys really put a lot of effort into making post four a good one, and I have faith in you to continue leaving prompts and writing (or drawing, as one anon did!) fills. ♥

Fics ( #4)

Suho as a Composer ( ( Read more... )

!prompt post

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fruits and favours, rainbow, jisook/woori 2/2 anonymous August 2 2012, 00:29:54 UTC
It’s a prologue of what’s to come later.

Woori winks when they part, her hot breath ghosting over Jisook’s hyperactive body. Jisook’s eyes glaze over with lust, as she grabs Woori’s hand, asking her with her eyes to get it on with it. “Then do as you promised,” she whispers. Woori smirks, leaning in and grabbing her lips again, before sliding a hand up her shirt as she slides down Jisook’s underwear, the younger spreading her legs even wider, throwing her head back as she does so, revealing her neck.

Woori sits back against her feet, before pressing herself down on the couch, settling between Jisook’s legs. She lifts up her skirt, the cold air that hits the sensitive area making Jisook shiver, closing her eyes and grinding her teeth.

“Fuck, are you going to start any time soon?” Jisook snaps.

Woori leans in, giving a tentative lick before moving from the labia and nibbling onto her clit, running her tongue over the nub. She twists her head a little and brings Jisook’s clitoris into her mouth as much as she can, running her tongue up and down, up and down.

She moves away once Jisook’s juices start coming out. “Sweet,” Woori comments once she licks up the pre-come that slips between Jisook’s lips, “Like fruit.” Jisook moans when Woori opens her up with her tongue, licking the sides, before bringing her thumb up and stretching her open. Jisook bucks off the couch, reaching down with one hand to grab at Woori’s black locks, wrapping her fingers in them and bringing her closer.

Woori opens her up more with her thumb, licking and sucking at the lips and moving back to the clit, swirling her thumb, covered with Jisook’s juices, against the clit, only to suck hard onto the nub, tasting the sweat and Jisook’s delicious taste. Woori hums, noticing the tightness of Jisook’s grip, turning to the side and letting her eyelashes flutter against the soft, pale skin of Jisook’s legs, sucking at the skin, her cheek pressing against the heat.

When she turns back, kissing her skin softly, Jisook comes, throwing her hips up. Woori is quick to dive in and suck up all the juices.

“Come,” Jisook orders, pulling at Woori’s chin, lifting her up. Their lips connect, Jisook tasting herself, cupping Woori’s cheeks in order to keep in control. Woori doesn’t fight, and allows Jisook to lick the sides of her lips, collecting anything that might have been forgotten.

Jisook reaches for Woori’s belt, but the rapper shakes her head, pecking Jisook’s lips. “It was my promise-I don’t need anything in return.”

Jisook sits on the couch, exhausted, watching Woori stumble to her room.


OP anonymous August 2 2012, 15:13:54 UTC
UGH ANON THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED this is so gloriously hot thank you sfm *___*


Re: fruits and favours, rainbow, jisook/woori 2/2 anonymous August 3 2012, 17:08:33 UTC
this is so hot and fantastic omg


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