Post #5.

Jul 29, 2012 20:49

After a slow third week, post four yielded a lot of prompts -- and, more importantly, a lot of fills! I was afraid that we were slowing down, but you guys really put a lot of effort into making post four a good one, and I have faith in you to continue leaving prompts and writing (or drawing, as one anon did!) fills. ♥

Fics ( #4)

Suho as a Composer ( ( Read more... )

!prompt post

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Re: miss a, min/anyone anonymous July 31 2012, 03:10:49 UTC
Min leaves the apartment at 6am and finds her car parked out front, on the street, rear bumper a bit more crumpled than she recalls it having been. She drives home with the windows down and some terrible morning show on too loud. Her sweatshirt is black, crumpled, her eyes too wide in last night's makeup. She doesn't remember the other girl's name, something simple, nice, maybe Chinese. Maybe.

She lives alone in a small apartment on the other side of the city, on the floor above a pawn shop. She worked there, for a while, until they had to cut the store's hours and didn't need so much help. Now she works in the corner grocery, late night shifts on weekdays, when the only customers are the ones looking for cheap beer and cheaper cigarettes.

She's one of the ones who was supposed to be someone, before. She'd been a dancer, all set to audition for some big entertainment company whose products she sees plastered around the city and TV. But she didn't. She skipped her audition and smoked her first cigarette and kissed a pretty girl with pink hair whose name she knew, then, but not anymore.

Her parents asked her why she hadn't gone. Her sister asked her. Her friends asked her. She would shrug and glare and hunch her shoulders up, make herself a bit bigger, and say "I didn't feel like it."

It was too hard, she'd whisper to herself, afterwards, when everyone was too busy shaking their heads to listen. But that wasn't it, either, exactly. It was something stranger, deeper, something she didn't care to understand.

She wonders, sometimes, but she stops herself. Today is a more difficult day to do that than most, because she's getting so bad with names and faces she worries she'll run into one of them, by accident, and not know what to do what to pretend what to remember what to forget. She pulls out a cigarette, lights it, stares at the powerless neon sign on the pawn shop's window, thinks that maybe she should move. She tells herself she's always been lazy, always liked to have it the easy way.

She says it out loud, to herself, after a while. Nothing changes.


OP anonymous July 31 2012, 05:55:03 UTC
ANON I AM CLUTCHING MY FACE IN SWEET AGONY THIS IS PERFECT ;~; ugh min sweetie honey babyyyyyyyyy


Re: miss a, min/anyone anonymous August 1 2012, 08:35:39 UTC
this is perfect anon ;;


Re: miss a, min/anyone anonymous August 7 2012, 13:28:31 UTC
i love it!


Re: miss a, min/anyone anonymous August 9 2012, 23:53:34 UTC
very late but i really love this, anon.


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