Title: Evolutionary (mile)stones
Fandom and Pairing: DBSK, Yunho/Junsu
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1017 words
Summary: When Junsu draws circles and other squiggly figures on the back of Yunho's hand, Yunho isn't so sure of what he knows about Junsu anymore.
Warnings: N/A
Prompt #: 2
Three years into knowing Junsu, Yunho can already say that he knows Junsu like the back of his hand. He knows what Junsu is thinking about when he contorts his face in a certain way, or how Junsu feels about someone when he bites his lips or plays with his clothes. So when Junsu turns to him with a shy smile on Christmas eve, saying, "Look; there's a mistletoe," he gulps down hard because Junsu looks as if he's eager to lean in for a kiss.
"I've never done this before," Yunho says, voice drifting off. Junsu shrugs.
"Don't worry; I've never done this before, either."
Junsu is the one who makes the first move, taking a few steps forward, tiptoeing just slightly to brush his lips against Yunho's. Soon after, Yunho finds his hands cupping Junsu's face. There is no tongue action, only nibbling and breath hitching. When Junsu breaks the kiss, he's giggling in Yunho's shoulder. It tickles.
The next day, Junsu acts as if nothing has happened, and Yunho vaguely wonders why his heart races a little when Junsu turns to him with that same shy smile he's seen the previous night - as if Junsu's ready to kiss him anytime.
Yunho's got Junsu mapped out already. He knows all the right turns to take, the many unjammed ways to all the right places. But when Junsu makes stealing kisses from him a habit, he isn't so sure of everything anymore.
Stage number one is planning; Yunho's always been good with that. Junsu walks up to him and asks, "What are we supposed to do?"
In his head, he's saying, we could stop as early as now. In reality, he shakes his head, saying, "I don't know. I don't know."
At work, they act as they are told. Be like bright actors, movie stars. They slip out of and into professionalism so easily; it's hard to tell the two apart anymore. Junsu makes a fine distinction between the two, though, when he stows Yunho away from the staff during the break, pins him on the wall. He says, "For a while, hyung. Just for a while." And Junsu crushes his lips into Yunho's.
After the kiss, the director calls for them. They go on with the taping as planned.
Sometimes, Yunho's waiting for it to happen, like at any time a bomb might explode and he'll be casually watching the scene a few blocks away. Every contact with Junsu makes him think of the worst, the best thing that might happen.
He holds his breath in anticipation when Junsu leans in. "Are we eating yet?" Junsu asks. Yunho lets all the air out.
"No. Wait a little more."
Junsu leans on the wall beside him. Junsu is still Junsu, only bolder when he kisses (the worst, but only for his heart) and steadies his shoulders in the dark. Yunho fits himself beside Junsu, leaning on the wall, too, waiting for the food (the best).
Pulling away is stage number two, leaning in for another kiss two point five. Yunho falls prey to newly developed habits, like coming back for a second kiss, a third, a last one before the bell rings and they are called back to work.
"You taste sweet," Junsu tells him after nibbling on his lower lip. "I like sweet."
"Then just eat candy."
Junsu leans in for another kiss before Yunho can even think of a comeback. They kiss until Yunho realizes that Yoochun's already taping his segment and that they're supposed to be watching him, not the movement of their lips. Junsu smiles like a child when they run back to the studio, hand-in-hand as if they're still five.
Stage number three is when Yunho starts counting the kisses and mid-day breaks spent in the bathroom, bodies pressed against each other for friction. Three point one is grinding, point two is touching each other in places where one must not be touched.
"We can't go on like this," Yunho tells Junsu.
"We're not going anywhere," Junsu replies.
Junsu places his hands on Yunho's shoulders, steadying the latter as they kiss. They're careful enough not to create creases on their clothes; the stylists will kill them if they do. Yunho's hand is firm on Junsu's hips, his grip tightening a bit when Junsu's tongue grazes his own. Shivers run down his spine.
Junsu pulls away for a while and says, "You're crinkling my suit." Yunho laughs heartily.
The kiss gets lost in a heap of laughter, especially when Junsu almost trips on Yunho's foot. The lack of space isn't conducive for laughter, but Yunho thinks this is better than crinkled suits and furious stylists.
Before Yunho turns the knob, he spins on his heel and presses his lips on Junsu's; an innocent kiss, nothing more.
There is no stage four, Yunho thinks, but they could use one for better results. Yunho labels it, "Repeat steps one to three until satisfied". He skips the first for personal reasons, sticks to the third for reasons even more personal.
"I'm glad they got us more loose clothes this time," Junsu says as he straightens out his slightly crinkled clothes. He doesn't bother fixing the creases all the way; he can easily get away with labeling it as 'style'.
Yunho chuckles. "You're not the only one."
Junsu is the first to get out of the room. Yunho follows suit. In the dark, Junsu's hand finds Yunho's and they slip into each other. Junsu can hear Yunho's fitful breathing.
"You can let go if it makes you uneasy." Junsu peeks at Yunho through his bangs. Yunho grip tightens.
"No, go on."
There's direction in this, Yunho thinks when his mind poses the statement, 'we can't go on like this'. Yunho holds on for a second longer until his fingers become numb, three more until his lips can feel Junsu's. He smiles to himself and thinks, maybe they can go for stage number five, one that says, "The show must go on."
Yunho gives Junsu's hand a light squeeze. Junsu smiles.
And it does.