Title: sights and smells
Fandom and Pairing: Super Junior, Sungmin/Henry
Rating: G
Word Count: 200
Summary: Henry doesn't like coffee. He likes the cute barista though.
Warnings: NA
The little cafe is exuding seductive aromas of roasted coffee beans and warm caramel with a tempting display of cakes in the window, so Henry, normally never one for coffee, can't help but step inside, just to take a look (and maybe a deeper sniff).
The barista behind the counter is moving with fluid, graceful motions, accompanied by the clinking of glass and the gushing of liquids. Henry watches him as he froths milk to make thick layers of foam, adds dollops of rich cream, serves his confections in snow-white cups.
Henry doesn't know how long he stands there just watching, but eventually the barista looks up at him and smiles. "Welcome! How about some coffee?"
"I don't really - drink coffee."
"Oh." The barista looks lost, and Henry feels inexplicably bad. He leans over the counter to see the name tag on the barista's apron.
"Well, I'll take one, if you can whip something up - Sungmin?" he says, and the smile that spreads over Sungmin's face is enchanting.
"I'll make something sweet for you," he promises, and Henry nods and smiles and thinks that if there's anyone who can induce him to like coffee, maybe it'll be Sungmin.