Title: Kim Heechul's Idiot-Proof Seaweed Soup for Birthdays and Other Special Occasions
Fandom and Pairing: Super Junior - Heechul/Zhou Mi
Rating: g
Word Count: 200
Summary: (in a pinch, sesame oil may be substituted with taking a walk)
Warnings: n/a
35g dry seaweed
30ml sesame oil
500ml vegetable broth
Soak seaweed in cold water, stare at it to make it soften faster. Become impatient.
Drain water, cut seaweed. Realize it is still brittle. Soak seaweed again.
Drive to airport. Hide from stalker fans. Procure redheaded Chinese tenor, bring him home with you.
Tell him it's about time to touch up his roots, and that he's too skinny for his own good. Tell him you're making him something special and nutritious for his birthday.
When he tries to get out of eating your cooking by saying, "But hyung, my birthday was last month," respond with a firm "Nobody cares. I'm feeding you and you're going to like it."
Rinse seaweed.
Bring all ingredients to a boil; keep fire extinguisher handy. Threaten to fire-extinguish Zhou Mi when he laughs.
Evacuate building when smoke detector goes off.
Wander around. Tell him China doesn't know what it's missing. Tell him you didn't miss him at all. Tell him he's risking malnutrition if he doesn't eat more. Find restaurant, order too much, force him to let you pay. Tell him he owes you; he isn't allowed to leave again.
serves two