Moving to Michigan

Jul 12, 2011 23:44

Here's the latest from the land of Seo. I'm moving. Not in a bad way but the degree and career path I want I simply cannot get out here. I'm not leaving the house permanently, more just taking a short break to finish that degree off so I can contribute a grown up amount and not always worry about finances. Things are fine here and no needs to worry that there has been some big blow up. The thing is, my recent job loss just forced me to get my ass in gear. I've known I need to move/get a career for a few years now but I didn't really want to move so I let it slide. Really I'm getting too old for that though. So I just took the plunge.

So as of end of August I'm moving to Michigan a bit south of Ann Arbor. I may have a roommate, more on that next week I believe. I'll out out a notice for help with moving things. I'm not taking a huge amount of stuff just the basics as well as my pets and plants. I'll send out my new address when I have it.

Wish me luck! Lol I'm sure I'll need it ^_~

~ Seo
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