Jan 08, 2006 23:32
Sarah woke briefly this morning and was in great pain. After being held by her mother she asked that she now be continually sedated. She is lying peacefully in her bed, surrounded by the toy cat named after her late cat (Poppy), some childhood toys, and purple shawls. She is dressed in one of her favourite purple tops and looks very lovely, with her red hair streaming over her right shoulder.
She may be like this for hours or it may be days, but she is not expected to awaken.
I will be going in to be with her tomorrow if she has decided to stay a while longer. At this time the family wish that only those people Sarah had nominated to be with her at her death attend her.
We have ensured that at no time is she alone. Family or very close friends are with her continually, holding her hands, talking to her and letting her know how very much we all love her.