Title: A Place to Call Home
Pairing: Xiubaek
Side Pairings: Minor Seho and Chankai if you squint
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 32k
Warnings: Violence, death of unnamed (not main) characters
Summary: In a world wrought with war between those with powers and those without, Minseok lived his life on the run and in constant danger. He'd learned the ways to survive, but he'd never found a place he could call home. That is, until the group saved a certain boy and took him under their wing.
Author's Notes: I hope everyone enjoys this if they read it, and if the prompter reads it, I hope I did some justice to the idea you had! A massive thanks to G for helping me through all the times I got stuck writing this. And thank you to the lovely seokmonster mods for being such a joy and running this fest!
Due to the fic's length, it has been posted at
Seokmonster's dreamwidth here. Come back after reading to leave comments on the part II here.