Thoughts: Nino + Arashi!

Mar 23, 2006 17:37

This VIDEO totally gets a thumbs up. *grin *

Premise: Arashi is a boy band popular in Japan. One of it's members, Ninomiya Kazunari, sets up a deal with Degawa Tetsuro to play a trick on the other Arashi members after their scheduled taping is over. Ninomiya is the younger man in the suit while Degawa is the older gentleman in casual dress. An actor in J-dramas and a comedian, Degawa is unfortunately often chosen by the ladies as "Japan's Least Popular Guy".

In this video clip, Degawa is taping a show segment with the band to be aired later for TV. The first scene is where they (Nino and Degawa) shake hands to seal the deal to play their practical joke. Then it cuts to when everyone go on stage to start taping for the show followed by another cut to when they finish the taping for the show...Which is when the "trick" takes off. ;)

Ok everyone, did you get all that? :D

When the taping is over and Degawa gets off the stage, he's asking for a mirror but no one has one for him. Why is he asking for a mirror, you wonder? We~ll...

During the taping of the show when they were doing the bicycle event/demo thingie, that woman had shaved a line into Degawa's hair at the temple. OOPS. >_> So he's upset and saying, "How is this ok?" and no one on the staff is saying a word or apologizing, just keeping silent in the hopes of not drawing his attention to themselves. Especially when the guest goes, "Everyone on staff knew that this was going to happen, right?"

And all the while, Nino is in the corner (the camera zooms in on him to show this), and he's trying not to laugh while the guest is busting out his rage cuz that'd give it away.




So even though MatsuJun (Matsumoto Jun, one of the members of Arashi) apologizes - really quietly though and all alone - Degawa didn't accept it and kept raging about why they couldn't at least apologize!! And he's not accepting MatsuJun's apology because NONE OF THE OTHER BAND MEMBERS apologized with him! So it's not acceptable!

Then Degawa asks for the whereabouts of the producer, and when pointed towards the back of the room, he's like, "Why hasn't he said something (since he's been here all along)?" So Degawa tells the producer to go with him for a further discussion, most likely, when another person enters into the camera and says, "That's not necessary (to go that far), right?"

To which Degawa responds with, "It's not necessary if the entirety of Arashi apologizes."

Nino then apologizes by himself, but the other members of Arashi are totally giving off a bad vibe at this point and stays silent.

Degawa walks out of the room as he's like: "Whatever", but MatsuJun goes after him going: "It's ok if we apologize, right?" So MatsuJun gets him to come back into the room (and within camera range *teehee *)

MatsuJun totally gets punky and asks, "So how'd you like us to apologize, huh?"

Degawa pushes MatsuJun's buttons by responding with, "By properly apologizing."

And that's when MatsuJun gets PISSED OFF and all in Degawa's face. The others try to restrain MatsuJun, but he's shaking them off and hotly saying, "Don't touch me."

Things are escalating, the staff sees a possible, physical, confrontation, so they move in to get MatsuJun and Arashi out of there.


Then you see Degawa just silent after that outburst with this frozen look of shock on his face. Then he's breaking down, going, "That was scary!"

...You gotta feel sorry for that poor guy because it cuts to Arashi out in the hallway and they're BUSTING UP because they'd pulled a perfect trick on Degawa!!! One of the other members says to MatsuJun, "Didn't you overdo it a bit?"


Back in the staging room, everyone's looking at the open door because they're anxiously awaiting Arashi's return. And Degawa's like: "Shouldn't the guy with the punch line say it's ok..." (He thinks that since the trick's been played, the person in the know will fill everyone else in on it.)

And the dude in the white shirt says, "They'll return, so please wait for them."

Degawa responds with, still a bit shaken (I think he just wanted out of there so he didn't have to face MatsuJun again hahaha), "Nino told me that the guy will reveal everything and it'll be ok."

And then Nino comes walking back with the other guys and they're all smiling. Degawa finally falls down in relief.

And when he reads that little piece of paper in Nino's hand...

Degawa Tetsuro finally gets it! He, who thought himself as playing a joke on Arashi, instead got punk'd by Arashi BIG TIME.

Nino, you love your jokes too much! ^o^

And MatsuJun is totally HOT in glasses and that hairstyle. Oh, and when he's mad. XD~~~ Yum.

translations, random

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