Fanfic Post: [Naruto] From Whence Your View Came

Nov 16, 2005 21:39

Title: From Whence Your View Came
Written For: naruto100
Challenge: Boxes
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Spoilers: Up through manga chapter 265.
Disclaimer: NARUTO © 1999 by MASASHI KISHIMOTO/SHUEISHA Inc and assorted corporations who bought various rights to it.


“You cannot hold me,” I snarl, even as my reluctantly upside-down footsteps mirror yours.


“I’ll always be behind you,” I pledge, even as I fade, knowing how empty it will be.


“It took me a long time to really see you,” I silently apologize, even as we run side by side.


“You’re weak,” I sneer, even as you listen not, believing we’re equals.


“He’s reflected in you,” I think, even as I watch your training from above, the book half-opened and waiting.


“Hokage,” I entice, even as my distance before you grows ever shorter.




Author’s Note: “Xystus” is the plural for “xyst”. The definition for that word is: A long and open portico, for athletic exercises, as wrestling, running, etc., for use in winter or in stormy weather. Hmm, you can read a lot into the words I chose, and at the same time...Well, all of those one line words set off by themselves? Yeah, that was my lame attempt to spell out the word "boxes" + "Naruto". ^^;

Yup yup, it's a Naruto-centric character study drabble thing. I really wanted to write about another character that I haven't touched upon yet, but I couldn't fight against Naruto. He just fit.

Constructive comments and critiques are adored!

naruto fics

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