Title: Unbound
Anime: Naruto
Pairing: Kakashi x Sakura
Rating: M
Words: 2,162
Disclaimer: NARUTO © 1999 by MASASHI KISHIMOTO/SHUEISHA Inc and assorted corporations who bought various rights to it.
A/N: Written for the Edgar Allan Poe Contest over at the
KakaSaku. It is a sudden-death style challenge so half of me hopes to continue on while the other half is cowering in fear.
The prompt for Week #1 is The Tell-Tale Heart. I hope that in writing this, I was able to capture some of its essence. The rating M is accurate, so gentle readers, please heed its warning.
A grateful thanks goes to
randomsome1, who beta'd this with only a 1 minute warning!
(This is not your normal tale as there are no constraints within.)