Thoughts: Ouran 22 Summary

Aug 30, 2006 15:35

Because I need a break from the serious and this being hilarious to me. For those who might not want to wait, though I make no promises to the accuracy (I tried my best? XD).

Please don't post this summary outside of this journal or use it for subbing (I'm sure you could do a better job since this isn't even translated line by line nor quality checked), or anything else. Linking is ok though! ^^

If I've made a mistake, please let me know so I can fix it. Thanks! XD

Ouran Koukou Host Club
Episode 22

Summarized by seoinage

The gates open to reveal a yakuza house where the gumi members are all lined up outside to greet the young master, Ouran Senior High School - 1st Year D Class, Kasanoda Ritsu. They wish him a good morning, to be safe, and to have a good day (in terms of being successful in any attacks, etc, I think).

Kasanoda yells at them to stop that (talking business - yakuza language) when he's going to school! (Totally scary face and makes all the gumi members cower haha.)

Tetsuya asks "What about the car?" and Kasanoda says he'll walk instead and goes out the gate.

The other members wonder how Tetsuya could remain calm when Kasanoda is all upset, and they come to the conclusion that there must be some punk from school who's at the cause of their young master's bad mood.

As Kasanoda walks along he thinks, "Today's the day..." and a picture of Mori pops up. Then he finishes with, "Morinozuka Takashi".

We cut to when the club is in session, and everyone's dressed up as Shinsengumi! With the exception of Tamaki, of course, who is dressed up as Sakamoto Ryoma, one of the most well known revolutionary leaders of the Bakamatsu era. Tamaki says one of his pick up lines in Tosa-ben, the girls wig out happily on still-cool-sounding-Tosa-ben-speaking Tamaki, but Haruhi thinks it sounds strange. (I agree with her.)

Haruhi didn't know that Bakumatsu cosplay was popular, and the twins are like, "what are you saying? That's the most basic of basics. There are tons of girls who love the Bakumatsu, especially the Shinsengumi."

Renge does her explanation bit. Kyoya in glasses and shinsengumi outfit,is shown as taking notes. (I kinda wish that he'd worn contacts for the occasion~) He thanks Renge for her advice on letting the members freely cast each member as which shinsengumi member that they want them to be as it's working well.

Renge accepts the thanks in her usual way and then goes on to say that it's obvious that Haruhi is Okita Souji (as his fictional depictions tend to be as a handsome young man, sometimes a bishounen. The popular Japanese conception of Okita is that his character and his swordsmanship were of the highest purity.)

Others agree with this classification and we see two girls in the background go gaga over Haruhi who's "like a bishounen angel" and implore her not to die (Okita died young of tuberculosis), while Haruhi's actually thinking, "Today, the supermarket's having a sale on pork...I wonder if I'll make it..."

Sign: Her thoughts are not very pretty
(in contrast to her current image)

Three girls are sighing over Mori, each one of them casting him as different shinsengumi members. He suddenly gets up and thrusts the spear point into the door (OMG it's SHARP) and the girls are HEARTS and the other club members are like DEATH and, "What's going on?!?"

And Tamaki pleads, "Mori-sempai, please calm down! Even though I know it must be tough with having so few lines and scenes per episode--!!"

Mori says, "That's not it," reveals Kasanoda on the other side and finishes with "There's an intruder."

Kasanoda looks like he's going to attack and instead bows down in front of Mori, asking him to "please make me your disciple!"

Episode 22 Title: Aspirations of apprenticing with Mori-sempai

(WAAAAH!!! I wanted to see the club members in their Shinsengumi outfits some more!!!)

Kyoya does his report on the intruder: 1st year D class Kasanoda Ritsu, only son of the current Third Head of the powerful Kasanoda group. Goes on to mention Kasanoda's ability to turn his eyes red and put people in the hospital if they see it, and that he can freeze his classmates (The Human Blizzard).

Tamaki asks, "So why does a human weapon like you want to be Mori-sempai's pupil?"

"No," Kasanoda refutes. "I'm not a human weapon. I was just born with eyes that could turn red, that's all."

"Ah, so you're self-concious, Kasanoba-kun." replies the twins.

"It's KasanoDA."

"Hosanoda?" chorus the twins.

"DIDN'T I SAY KASANODA?! D'YA WANT TA DIE?!" Kasanoda's eyes turn red and frighten everyone except for Kyoka (still taking notes) and Haruhi.

Kasanoda relates his childhood, how, because of his eyes, his father often said that he'd become the best Gokudo. How he was trained to live in the world of the gokudo. One day, when he responded to a question not in a gokudo-like tone, his dad thought he sounded too wimpy in just saying "ah." (Meaning "yes"). So dad drew up two papers, one with regular looking "ah" and the other with big and powerful and gokudo sounding "AH!" Dad demonstrates, and then Kasanoda tried his hardest to imitate the "AH!" in the gokudo (yakuza) way. Boy, did he succeed. LOL. Dad also tried to teach him "MA!" but Kasanoda said that that isn't like gokudo, more like some robot! Where the heck would you use that?!

Because of this training, more and more people stayed away from him even though all he wanted to do was play with everyone. That's why he wants Mori to teach him, because even though Mori has cruel eyes, is unrestrained, reticent, unsociable, very much like a watchdog of Hell (POOR MORI!!! XDDD ), people don't stay away from him. Kasanoda repeats his plea to become Mori's disciple!!

Honey: "Takashi, are you ok?"

Mori @_=;: "I'm a bit dizzy..."

The twins wonder if they should help and Tamaki says that it's up to Mori's decision.

"Tamaki" is the only word Mori utters, but it's enough to get Tamaki to look at Mori. The look of horror/terror on Mori's face and coming from his eyes screams at Tamaki for "HELP!!!!"

Which, in fact, is what he's trying to convey. See exhibit below.

Sign: HELP.

Tamaki immediately reverts his stance and takes up Mori's plea for life and diverts Kasanoda to his plans of acclimation instead of trying to become Mori's pupil.

"Isn't it more like you couldn't help sticking your hand in it?" wonders Haruhi.

Tamaki wants Kasanoda to call him "king", even though he himself gets Kasanoda's name wrong, and then relates that the key to Mori's ok-ness (even though he's got bad eyes and cold atmosphere, etc) is that he's got a lovely item in Mitsukuni-kun!!

Mori's expression during this explanation, and how everyone laps it up, is priceless. Especially when Honey turns to Mori and cries! (I can't make out what he's saying though it might be along the lines of "am i going to be sliced in half so that Kasanoda could also have his own lovely item?" U_U;)

Mori's going nuts and then Tamaki decides instead that what Kasanoda needs to it update his Yankee fashion and sics the Hitachiin brothers on the poor guy!

XDDD The fashion change doesn't go over very well.

Two guys outside the Kasanoda group gates spot Kasanoda and realize he's the 4th Head of the group (or will be, once he inherits from his dad who's the current active leader). They say they'll take care of him tomorrow at school.

The next day, Tetsuya looks up at the grey clouds and wonders if Kasanoda took his umbrella with him. At school, Kasanoda says, "Morinozuka no aniki, good morning" in a VERY yakuza way by calling him Big Brother Morinozuka. Mori stays silent, of course, but Honey replies with a cheerful good morning! Kasanoda then frightens the bejeesus out of Honey and everyone around by shouting out a firm and powerful, "OSSU! HANINOZUKA-SEMPAI!" in acknowledgement. Honey could only whisper a small, "Ossu" in return while edging back behind Mori. ^o^

Kasanoda offers to carry Mori's bag for him until his classroom (something that shows Kasanoda's willingness to subject his self under Mori's as his disciple), but Mori declines.

The plants fall and Kasanoda tells the host club members that he thinks someone's targeting Mori. Everyone says no one has plans of revenge for Mori and turns to another plan of theirs to make Kasanoda more "friendly-seeming". Tamaki is still getting Kasanoda's name wrong. XD

Kasanoda says yesterday's plan was a big failure ("What do you mean, from today on! What about yesterday!), and Tamaki says, "Please don't misunderstand, we're really cheering for you!" and goes on to blame yesterday all on the twins and to "please understand."

Sign: And you don't have any responsibility for it?

Because of that, Kasanoda submits to Tamaki. Haruhi brings tea, telling him not to take them too seriously.

Sign: Prickling Pain of Good Intentions

Kasanoda says something along the lines of "but they're ones recommend by Morinozuka no aniki and I'm also the one burdening them with this. Btw, who are you?"

She introduces herself. "Also a 1st year, my name is Fujioka. And also like you, I transferred into this senior high. We must be nakama then." (Nakama is a strong friendship, comrades, etc.)

She talks to Kasanoda some more and the way she replies to his question makes him think that 'he' is very feminine! GASP! XD

The next plan is to make Kasanoda in the image of the Lucky Cat! They put the black kitty ears on him and Honey says, "Bakeneko." (Monster cat.)

They gather to figure out why the neko ears aren't working. Tamaki: That's strange. Cat ears are the all-powerful Lovely Item according to Renge-kun. Kyoka: With those eyes and face, there's a limit.

The twins then whip out the next plan: Neko Mimi Maid! (Cat Ears Maid!)

Tetsuya walks in at that time, says something about "bad hobbies", and Kasanoda flees!!! Tetsuya runs after him. LOL

Haruhi picks up the ears, a flashback of Kasanoda saying he only wants to be able to play with others, and says, "Does Kasanoda-kun really need an image change?"

To which Honey replies, "I hope he realizes it (that he doesn't need one) soon."

Kasanoda has a memory of people saying how he's always scary-seeming, and he wonders why it's always like that. Haruhi joins him and sees the sparrow, and Kasanoda says that he took it to the doctor to get it healed cuz it hurt itself when it fell. Haruhi is allowed to hold the bird, and Kasanoda is in agony because he keeps seeing Haruhi more as a girl than a boy ("This guy doesn't seem afraid of me...Such big dark eyes, sparkling like that, he really seems like a girl...and about girls, they're usually afraid of me so up till now, I haven't talk to a one like this...AND OMG HE'S A GUY WHAT AM I THINKING?!) *g*

Honey: Watch out!

A can of paint flies towards them, and Honey kicks it away. The bird flies out of Haruhi's cupped hands.

Haruhi: It flew...

Kasanoda: It flew...

Tamaki: ZOMGHARUHIAREYOUOKAY?!?!?!?! *does the peepee dance*

Haruhi says she is and Kasanoda also asks if she's ok.

The culprits are caught by Mori and they scream at Kasanoda for having a bodyguard and that he should return their young master to them!!! Then they're tied up by the twins while Kasanoda is like, "What're they talking about?" and Honey reveals that it was him being targeted all along, not Mori, and they (the host club) wanted to catch the culprits.

Kasanoda wonders why they helped protect him, and Mori puts his hand on Kasanoda's head and says, "Because one can see who's the bad guy."

Kasanoda blushes, Haruhi announces she's going to change from her paint-splattered clothes (twins: Should we help? haruhi: no thanks.) and Tetsuya comes out to kick the butts of the two culprits.

It's revealed that he's Sendo Tetsuya, the son of the current Sendo Group leader. A year ago, having run out after fighting with his dad and finding himself in the rain, Tetsuya found an overhang to wait it out along with his feeling of unease. People on the streets walked by like he was invisible, but Kasanoda stopped and offered the use of his umbrella to Tetsuya. "Even though young master is too embarrassed, everyone knows the type of man you are. I've made up my mind to cut ties with the Sendo group to enter into the Kasanoda group to follow you." He offers Kasanoda the umbrella he brought in case of rain.

Kasanoda accepts blushingly, "Let me use it." (It seems that he's accepting Tetsuya's words at the same time.)

It's a touching scene and the twins are sobbing.

Kasanoda says he's got to apologize to Haruhi since she got dirtied because of him, and Honey tells him she's changing in the music room. Kasanoda goes off, and Tamaki says something good has happened (impling he orchestrated it), and the twins are like, "But you didn't do anything!"

Kyoya adds nonchalantly, "Is this really ok? After all, Haruhi's changing."

Twins & Tamaki: @_@!!!!!!


Kasanoda: "Fujioka."

He walks into the empty music room ("Not ready yet huh") and so crosses the length of the room to access one of the smaller rooms.

Kasanoda: Fujioka, everything ok? Sorry about what-

-and therefore interrupts Haruhi in the middle of taking off her camisole. He can see that she's wearing a bra. XD

Kasanoda: "!!!"

(So there IS use for that sound that his loving dad tried to teach him!! LOL!!!! I LOVE THIS PART!!!)

OK, the end. XD And comments are nice :3

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I can't wait to see what people come up with in terms of icons for this episode!!!

translations, ouran

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