May 01, 2006 01:18
vital stats:
1. what should we call you? whatever you like.. seems as if EVERYONE has a nickname for me.. but i usually go by alisha or lish or lishabelle. i refuse to date another girl who calls me angel.
2. where in the world are you? where did you grow up? i'm in kingston new york now.. i did a short stint in richmond, va 6 months ago.. which also means it's been over 6 months since i saw bella and J.. :( i've also lived in nevada. but mostly in various places in and around kingston, ny.
3. what do you do for work, or, what do you WANT to do? right now i'm just working for my father and at a place called the youth booth in the mall near my house. it's a place for youth to come and hang out and make buttons, play games, get advice, etc. i want to work with teens in some form.. probably social work. i would also love to be a photographer or writer.. well. i am, but i mean professionally. :-D
4. who are the important people in your life? tell us about them. my roomies. my mum. my grandpa. my nanny. kaete. all my VA lovers (bella, J, lindsey, meganne..). all my 'league' friends.. i can't even begin to explain how these people have saved me in so many ways. bella and J drove 3+ hours in the fog to come help me vacuum my heartdust out of the rug. my mum and grandpa are always there for me. my friends in 'the league' (we have a group.. the league of extra ordinary ass kickers) are there to support me from afar and close by :) i just love these people with all my life.
VERY important random-ass questions:
5. have you ever returned an item to a store for a refund after having used it? probably.. but not originally intended, i think.
6. if you could bring one character to life from literature, who would it be? i agree with bella.. idgie. or jo from little women. or door from neil gaimen's neverwhere.
7. which color describes you most accurately? either red or rainbow.. :) if you know me, you know it fits.
8. what one toiletry item could you never live without? oh man. my tongue scraper.. haha.
9. what do you think Victoria’s secret is? she's a man.
and lastly:
10. what brings you here? i came here to support bella but also because i know how important support units are in general to everyone. i like to think i can relate, being an empath and all, but if i can't, i'm still there to lend an ear.. a shoulder..
11. what do you hope to get from us as a community? like i said before.. i just know how important support units are.. and i want to be apart of that. :)