i made some avatars and icons of my own for the 1st time^w^ don't have photoshop so i just used microsoft photo editor and paint, but it sucks so much at entering the text x_x anyways, if you came and drop by my journal by chance or whatever reason, please kindly give me some comments on the work^^.
Please don't steal. If u use(i wonder if anyone
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i actually thought the text kindda ruined the icons too >.> paint makes it hard to add words on small icons and i can't really seem to find the right font > <
so thanks for the compliments^^"
here's textless reita if u want:
and sorry because i have deleted the base of the kai icon already so the texted one is the only one left in my pc m(_ _)m
also thanks for your suggestions on the 1st reita icon~! actually it's not finished yet XD because i got lazy and didn't bother to edit it again =w=
Ah yeah Paint is a bitch in that way ^^°
But I gotta say I am not better, even with photoshop ôO
Aye thanks for the rei-icon I will use it on my lj I guess, with crediting of course ^^
If you find time for working again, then do so ^^
I'm curious 'bout the results ^^
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