Daily Dose of PW/AGM

Feb 04, 2012 02:24

The Twitter Times:

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Not a darned thing new except, of course, for the new episode (In Case of Blind Spots) and the latest “story behind the story.” I’m crossing my fingers that the ratings are way up! My thoughts are at the bottom.


02.03.12 Blog: Stories Inspired by Real Family Clinics: http://www.cbs.com/shows/a_gifted_man/free_clinic/82151/


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(Wendy, pg adm) Did you miss an episode of #AGiftedMan or want to watch it again? Catch the last full episode(s) here, FREE: http:/www.cbs.com/shows/a_gifted_man.  Earlier episodes are available in the iTunes store and on amazon.com.


Episode 12: In Case Of Blind Spots

So Kate has a little sister… sort of. That was a neat story line because we got to see more of Kate outside the clinic, and learned a bit more about her private life. As I suspected, Kate has decided she wants kids. I wonder if she has taken this up with Harrison?

Speaking of Harrison - is it me, or was it weird when he asked Michael if he wanted to go to the play? To me it was another one of those “I’m not sure which one of us should feel weirder” moments.

Holt patient; Darren. I’m willing to bet that Patrick really did the jump into the river, he loves doing his own stunts. He beat himself up in “Little Children” with that skateboard accident at the end, why not jump in some icy water? Polar Bear Club, right on.

Oh, and more CPR - Patrick is going to be an expert at it by the time he’s done with this show; he’s performing it every other episode. :D

Back to Kate and her little sister, Shari - very nice hug for Michael from Kate. I wonder what he was thinking? That look on his face said volumes. To me, his expression said, “Damn, that was nice, but crap, she’s married.” Although Michael has no problem sleeping around, I’m glad to see he at least has the scruples to respect marriage vows. What do you think?

Loved seeing Michael shouting down Darren. Huge market analysis due? Riiiiiiiiiiight.

Nice to see E-Mo has his own driver (heh). Sky diving? Wow. “At least I had a parachute.” LOL! Going to lunch - “Yeah, I just want to make sure you can read the menu.” Too funny!

I’m not sure why Michael needed to do a laminotomy on Shari - I thought draining the fluid would relieve the pressure? And it’s “lamb”inotomy, not “lame”inotomy. Whatever… :D

OH dear… “Why don’t you just have kids of your own?!” Smack! “If I wanted to talk to a shrink, I certainly wouldn’t come looking for a neurosurgeon!!” SMACK BACK!! Very, very interesting exchange. Can’t wait to see where this is going (although I can guess… anyone else care to toss out a theory?).

E-Mo’s forgetfulness; he didn’t order Darren’s blood work. That was a quick forget. The tension mounts.  Interesting conversation with Darren though - awesome work, Dr. E-Mo!.

On a side note - has anyone else noticed that whenever Eriq is on the show, he and Patrick wear matching pink shirts and loud ties? I wonder what’s up with that?

Anna’s back! “You’re here. Good!” ~ Michael   “That’s a first.” ~ Anna  :D

E-Mo’s test results. *phew*!  I’m glad he’s going out to live life for a change. “You know what? I quit.” You go, E-Mo. “Don’t worry, I’ll be at the court next week to kick your ass at basketball.” :D

“What about you, do you want kids?” ~ Kate   “Anna and I - it wasn’t in the cards for us.” ~ Michael

OK, I have a theory about this one. Has anyone else noticed how Michael seems to avoid babies? The friend with the brain tumor, he had to deliver the baby by emergency c-section - the look on Michael’s face when he visited mom in the NICU, and he looked at the baby, spoke another volume (Patrick is so good at that!). Then 16yo Maribel with baby Lucky - “I see. It’s a baby.” Wouldn’t even enter the room.

So here’s my theory - he and Anna did try to have kids, but she lost the baby - likely a boy, as both of these babies were boys - and he may even have had to perform a hysterectomy to save Anna’s life, although that part is a stretch. It would explain his jumping to that conclusion with Maribel though - he seemed to fear losing the girl if he didn’t act fast. As he and Anna were in Alaska there may not have been anyone but Michael to take care of her and therefore no other choice.

Anyone else? Let’s hear from you!

patrick wilson, story behind the story, recap, a gifted man

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