The Twitter Times:
Sunday, January 29, 2012.
Anyone who gets Parade magazine, be on the lookout for an interview with Patrick!
@pwfans: (Sharon, Page Admin) So excited that the next five Fridays of Patrick Wilson's "A Gifted Man" will be NEW!!! Did the happy dance when I heard the announcer say it last night before they showed a preview of next week's show. WOOOOO HOOOOO!!! Looks like that would be Feb 3 & 10 at 8pm then, Feb 17, 24 and March 2 at 9pm. :o)
#AGiftedMan is filming between 1st & Pleasant Avenue on Monday & Tuesday (1/30 & 1/31)
@pwfans: (Sharon, Page Admin) Patrick Wilson will be featured in this Sunday's "Parade" magazine: Sunday with Patrick Wilson
REMINDERS: Please pass the word! Feel free to cross-post, tweet, Facebook, etc. this information as much as you like.
(Wendy, pg adm) Please ask @CBS to pick up
#AGiftedMan for a full season here on their Feedback Form page. Please pass the word, and thanks!
(Wendy, pg adm) Did you miss an episode of
#AGiftedMan or want to watch it again? Catch the last full episode(s) here, FREE: http:/ Earlier episodes are available in the iTunes store and on