Jun 23, 2010 23:31
While having a discussion with Princess about a 7 year old girl with schizophrenia that manifests in audio and visual hallucinations that have been telling her to kill herself all her life:
Princess: Holy shit that's like beyond medicine. That's like demon possession shit.
Me: You don't believe that. Besides, when I'm really tired or sick, I audio hallucinate. And that's no different than when I dream, the various levels of cognizant awareness talking amongst themselves. Subconscious mind talking to conscious mind and awake self aware mind.
Princess: And what do THEY talk about?
Me: Mostly balancing the checkbook or telling me I need to eat more cracklin oat bran.
Princess: I'm not talking to you no more.
Me: Sometimes it sounds like a wacky AM radio DJ show.
Princess: Just stop talking.
Me: Lots of cursing.
Princess: Even when you're insane, you do it wrong. How come YOUR hallucination balance the check book, and make a balance breakfast while a seven year old girl is suicidal?
Me: I have better people in my head?
day in the life,