[bsg] Of Tithonus and Aurora (Boomer/Chief)

Feb 26, 2006 00:37

Title: Of Tithonus and Aurora
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bsg, fanfiction

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faeriebelle February 27 2006, 12:15:56 UTC
I loved it...not enough good Boomer/Tyrol fics.


faeriebelle February 27 2006, 12:28:39 UTC
Do you know of any other good Boomer/Tyrol fics?


sentraaquila February 27 2006, 21:47:41 UTC
Took me a while, but I finally tracked a few down:

Helo & Chief & Sharon (in absentia) by violentmedusa

Tomorrow by carriehl

Hold Fast by garnettrees

Clarity by seldear

and it's more fleshed out version of the Clarity drabble:

Breathe by seldear


faeriebelle February 27 2006, 23:22:12 UTC
Thank you so much! It's great to find another Boomer/Tyrol fan. Do you mind if I friend you?


sentraaquila February 28 2006, 03:50:20 UTC
Of course not, I'll friend you right back. After all, there are so few of us :)


faeriebelle February 28 2006, 19:04:44 UTC
How would I add this entry to my memories?


sentraaquila February 28 2006, 20:22:35 UTC
Just scroll up to the top of the page where the title is and there's four links:

Previous | Edit | Mem | Next

Just click on Mem and then write in a category such as "Boomer/Tyrol Fics" in the keyword and press submit.


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