
Jun 27, 2005 16:29

thankfully yesterday one of the vermillion brothers needed some work done and D didn't do it without me so i made some cash. it's funny cause the guy called and said he needed some help moving power tools moved upstairs and he has a back problem so we jokingly say thats it's gonna be a drill press and a bansaw. when we get there, it turned out that we were right, he had these huge and heavy pieces of machinery that he needed moved up stairs and taken to his garage. other than the three grueling pieces of hell it was pretty easy and we only had to work for like two hours. so we figure we make $20 cause a going rate was $10/hour. the guy ended up paying us $25/hour so we both made $50 which was pretty sweet. that's right bry...50 big ones. so V & D try to swing me into buying a video game but i was kinda iffy on it. we got to media play and they are closed which causes us to swing by meijer. this moron in the parking lot drives by and yells "meijer sucks," it's like real creative there dumbass. anyways there was nothing there of interest but we ended up going to blockbuster where they had a sale buy 2 games get 1 free. needless to say i walked out of there with 3 games while vesty got the buy 2 dvds get 1 free sale. so we gamed a little then watched tomcats. called around today about adopting a dog but everywhere you call charge over $250 for a dog. we got sam for $60 and molly for free so spending a ton of money on a dog is kind of a strange concept to us. we are throwing around the idea of going to see war of the worlds this week but im not sure. von has to work all week and doesn't get off until six, thus creating us having to spend $9 each to go see a movie. seriously lower your ticket prices. there's a new band in the mix boys so until next time...
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