FOUND! Thanks to the able research of
astrido / Maya.
(All links at end of post.)
So, I'm in the process of trying to Save! All! The! Fic! I've been going through the Cascade Library Authors page, and using those links to access fic through the Wayback Machine.
I've been saving stories by Chopec Dar. They look very interesting. But part 4 (of 6 parts) of "Druggie Blair" opens to a completely blank page. I played with the address (which is how I grabbed parts 5 and 6), but no joy.
Does anyone have a copy of part 4 of this story, or even the whole story? I'll take anything - HTML page, Word, Text, even my hated PDF. I only need this to complete Dar's folder. I'd *really* appreciate it.
(Note: If anyone is as completist as I am, most of the pages only *seemed* to save. When I opened the "saved" versions in my folder, it read "File not found." If you want this author's works, copy and paste into a doc.)
Now, links - Cascade Library Authors Chopec Dar's Sentinel page Page 1 of "Druggie Blair"