Aug 18, 2018 00:03
The main parts I remember is Blair is dating a female student who is basically using Blair to pass her courses. With help, Jim, Steven, their dad and MC, work together to get Blair an award at a policemens' award night and his doctorate I believe. I think it ends with J/B. Steven “seduces” Blair’s date showing him how shallow she is. Jim comes out at the ceremony and explains how Blair sacrificed himself for Jim’s safety so that the award for “Best Cop” should be shared with Blair.
Help? Please and Thank you.
character: steven ellison,
episode: tsbybs,
character: joel taggart,
theme: affirmation,
pairing: jim/blair,
pairing: blair/other,
character: blair,
character: megan,
theme: outed,
character: simon banks,
character: jim,
character: william ellison,
character-related: cop!blair,
character: rafe,
character-related: hurt!blair