OT: SEntinel Bingo Challenge

Feb 07, 2018 19:29

We’re got a Sentinel Bingo challenge going at AO3. So far there are already 19 stories and more coming as I’m typing. Here is the link for the archive stories. http://archiveofourown.org/collections/SenBingo
If you are interested in joining in, we would love to have you. If you go to AO3 on the main page, it tells you all the rules that you need to know. Morgan and I are here for you if you have any questions. Here is the link for the main page of Sentinel Bingo on AO3.
If you want to go to Live Journal Sentinel Bingo, here is the link. It also has everything listed you need to know. https://sentinelbingo.livejournal.com/
The next place is Dreamwidth Sentinel Bingo. Here is the link for that one. And as I said before, we’re here to answer any questions you have. https://sentinelbingo.dreamwidth.org/

I hope you’ll all join in for the fun and read what is there already. Enjoy!

Hugs, Patt

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