Sentinels/guides are known. Emil? is dead?!

Feb 03, 2017 19:56

I remember reading a fic where Jim had a (genetically engineered?) guide named Emil (or Eli?) who died and Jim went to a center and picked up "old" used guide Blair. Blair had been abused by an art-dealing sentinel.

I specifically remember Blair listening to some of the genetically engineered guides talking about another guide whose life has been ruined because he now has to sit in the back seat next to his sentinel's newborn screaming baby.

Blair went back to the guide center at night and was abused by the staff.
Some asshole pisses on his clothes and books.

Turns out Emil isn't dead? Maybe?

At first Jim's colleagues at the station don't like Blair but they end up caring.

I might be imagining this since I'm sick with the flu and have lost 4 kg in 4 days and parts of my brain might have turned to snot and dribbled out my nose but I'm almost 100% sure this is an actual fic.

I've tagget future!fic because I'm almost sure this is about engineered guides and slavery because I don't really think Blair has a choice in being Jim's guide. Jim buys him or his services through the center. Bonding might also be a part of the fic.

theme: sentinels/guides known, theme: slavery, fic type: future!fic, *found, theme: sentinel/guide bond, pairing: jim/blair, pairing: jim/other, category: slash

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