"Sentinel in distress"

Aug 05, 2016 00:00

It's a universe where Sentinel and Guide is known and respected but not feared, I think.

I remember that Jim suddenly went primal or showing some Sentinel sign and went to an office building and the receptionist put out a "Sentinel in Distress!" alert to everyone in the building.

Then Jim went upstairs and interrupted a meeting in a room where Blair was at. I have a feeling that Blair is someone knowledgeable in his field but not respected by his peers and boss. And Blair was reluctant/dislike Jim and didn't want to bond with him or something. And then Jim asked everyone but Blair to leave the room.

eta: I blended two fics together in my search, but found the first one.


theme: sentinels/guides known, theme: sentinel/guide respected, *found, theme: sentinel/guide bond

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