Jul 01, 2013 00:59
I have been reading a lot of stories where Blair is reluctant to be a guide. They have all been great. Most of them have him reluctant because Guides are thought of as property, or Blair has had bad dealings with a past Sentinel. Once he bonds with Jim, Blair is happy with the situation.
However, I ran across an interesting story the other day. Blair is a Dark Guide. Since he was abused by Alex, the Dark Guide part of him becomes more of another personality. When Blair is in danger a few times in the story, Blair kind of slides back and lets the Dark Guide come to the front.
So here's the question. Does anyone know of any good stories where the "Guide" is happy to be bonded, but "Blair" is not?
p.s. Sorry about all the tags, I'm not sure which category I'm looking for.
theme: other guide,
theme: dark guide/dark sentinel,
theme: sentinel/guide bond,
character-related: reluctant!blair,
theme: other sentinel,
theme: parallell universe,
theme: kidnapping/hostage,
theme: sentinel/guide respected,
theme: sentinel abilities discovered,
theme: dealing with senses,
character-related: hurt!blair