Feb 20, 2013 19:26
Help please, been searching for a specific story for several days that I want to reread...my recall has more holes than Swiss cheese but the story is an AU, I think it's slash but not 100% certain, sentinels and guides are known and bond.
The scene I can recall (somewhat) is late in the story: Blair is in his office (Blair is the new head of a guide-sentinel organization that Jim dislikes and distrusts), and has a file of Jim on his desk. Jim sees the file and tells Blair never to call him or contact him again and leaves. Blair basically has a breakdown saying something like "he left me" or "I lost him" and has to be taken to the hospital. Blair's friend and/or secretary calls Jim to tell him about Blair; Jim knows Blair is showing signs of a broken bond or rejection and goes to the hospital.
Other scenes I can recall is the beginning where Blair, as new head of the organization, drives to the mountains to meet Jim and try to convince Jim to endorse the organization or something. Jim basically slams the door on him, then Blair's car breaks down and/or a storm is coming, and Blair has to stay with Jim. Jim senses Blair is a compatible guide and wants him to be out of his house asap. Later in the story, Blair's second in command uses Jim's name on a brochure or flyer for an event to attract more sentinels and makes it seem like Jim is endorsing the organization without Blair's knowledge or Jim's approval.
theme: sentinels/guides known,
theme: sentinel/guide bond