Looking for Fic: Interupted Poker Night...

Jan 14, 2013 20:12

Hey Everyone,

Back yet again. This time looking for a pre-slash to slash fic that takes place on Poker night (might be during the holiday season).  Blair keeps having to answer the door to deal with visitors that are inturpting the Major Crime Units Poker night at the loft. Blair is getting progressively more tense as the evening goes on becuase the vistors are flirting with Jim.  Almost at the end of the night, Jim or Blair kisses the other to drive off one of the uninvited quests and after the Major Crime  crew leaves they talk about it and start a relationship.

So can anyone help me find this one.


Found by myself an hour later reading a differnt fic.  The Dubious Magic of the Season by Ainm

Great story. Silly me for forgeting what it was called.

author: ainm, *found, pairing: jim/blair, character: blair, character: jim, theme: first time, category: slash, request: poker game

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