Jun 01, 2012 17:06
I read this story once, years ago, and have not been able to find it since. I remember a lot of details so I am including them all in the hopes that something will trigger someone's memory.
This story was AU, gen, and either a future fic or alternate present fic. In this story Sentinels were known. There was no mention of guides. Sentinels had become extremely rare generations before so it was decided to clone them so they wouldn't be lost. By the time this story takes place all Sentinels were clones. They were not considered to be real people and so had no rights.
Blair was a detective in Major crimes. He had a difficult case that he was convinced a Sentinel could help with so he convinced Simon to pay to rent a Sentinel's services. Jim was the Sentinel assigned to him when he went to the Sentinel Center. Jim helped solve the crime but was shot in the leg in the process. Since the injury was considered minor (the bullet went all the way through the fleshy part of the leg) he was returned to the Sentinel Center for treatment.
Days later Blair wondered how Jim was doing and went to the center to check on him. He found Jim unconscious in his cold room, wearing just his boxers and burning up with fever. He was wrapped in a single thin blanket and laying on his stomach with his arms under him in an attempt to stay warm. He had not had anything to eat or drink since being dropped off. Jim had done the best he could to treat his own wound but as clones they weren't considered worth the cost of medical care. Also, if they couldn't make it to the cafeteria they didn't eat.
Blair called and ambulance and then called Simon from the hospital. When Simon arrived he demanded information. The hospital admitted they hadn't treated him because he was just a clone. I think he was found on a stretcher, parked in an unheated hall way. Simon went ballistic and informed them that Jim was one of his men and would be treated with the same care as any other member of Major Crimes. He then called the Major Crimes crew and had one of them stay with Jim at all times to insure that the hospital continued to treat Jim.
Blair did research and found a loophole that allowed a Sentinel to become a full citizen if they fathered a child. He and Simon then made it their mission to find a woman to have Jim's baby.
There is an epilog where we find out through a conversation of the children of Jim, Blair and Simon (each married one of the woman they interviewed to be Jim's babies mother) that they had all lived together and raised their children in a communal setting.
Thanks! Any information on this fic would be appreciated.
theme: sentinels/guides known,
author: tae,
theme: different meetings,
fic type: future!fic,
request: au,
pairing: other,
hurt: injury