May 20, 2012 08:25
Okay, so I love 'first time/first kiss' fic as much as the next gal, but. Where are the stories that don't center on/end with 'and then they got together and boffed like bunnies. Stories that just casually mention that 'oh, by the way, when Jim and Blair go to bed at night they both go up the stairs.'
I guess 'established relationship' is what I'm looking for. Something where the focus/emphasis isn't necessarily 'then they have hot sex'.
Also: I requested this one back around Christmas, but I guess with the holidays it got lost. Jim and Blair are older, and (shock of shocks) in an established relationship. The scene that sticks out in my mind is this: They are sitting under (I think) an apple tree (but it could be any fruit bearer) at the edge of some farmland that they've built up to help the 'next generation' of Sentinels and Guides. And in the backgound/off in the distance there are several young Sentinels and Guides playing, cavorting, and having a good time. Which is just as Jim and Blair think it should be.
pairing: jim/blair,
category: personal faves/best of,
theme: established relationship,
theme: sentinel abilities discovered,
category: slash