Looking for LONG FIC, Foreign Sentinels?Guides, and Primal!Blair

Feb 19, 2012 03:44

I'm looking for REALLY LONG fiction. So long, you can't finish it one sitting, no matter how hard you try. I want slash, jim/blair, and I want it to be a story of how their relationship began. I want them to go through all the motions. Not any, "oh, i've always felt this way, but I just didn't say anything...". I want the shock, the drama, the self evaluation and angst. I want the sudden look at each other and realization, "oh god, I love this person...". I'd love for it to be post TSbyBS but, it's totally fine if it's mid series. Give me your favorites, dust off your old bookmarks and pull out some gold!!! ^.^
Reactions about their new relationship by the rest of Major crime would be a plus.
Simon's reactions are desperately wanted as well.

Besides this mega request, any fic that has another guide or sentinel coming into the picture (not evil or shifty people). Just confused folk looking for help or information. Jealousy can occur and Jim or Blair can aggressive/primal...or they can get along just fine, either one is good.

Also, We always see fics where Jim gets primal but what about Blair? I want to see some growly aggressive guide in action. That's my last request. I've been combing through the web, but have yet to see some goodfic with these events occurring.

so can someone lend me a hand? ^.^

theme: other guide, fic type: future!fic, *recs, request: slice of life, story length: long, theme: other sentinel, pairing: jim/blair, theme: outed, story length: novel, request: happy ending, theme: sentinel abilities discovered, theme: first time, request: angst

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