Happy Halloween!

Oct 30, 2010 20:33

I'm going to read Mab's Hell of a Town (slash)
and its sequel, Hell of a Situation
where Blair is an incubus and Jim is a demon hunter.

In keeping with the season, the boys are ghosts in Legion's Perpetual Rain (gen)
and Simon's Rain (gen)

D. L. Witherspoon's Mr. Sandburg's Wild Ride (gen) has poor Blair riding through a graveyard with Jim, ghouls and a werewolf.

Please help me find other stories where Jim or Blair is or has dealings with the supernatural.


author: romslinger, author: aristide/mairead triste, theme: ghosts, request: animals, request: vampires, author: marlene becker, character-related: vamp!blair, author: k9, author: rogue, request: fantasy creatures, author: annabelle leigh, author: griffin, author: jane mailander, request: werewolf, author: monica massey, author: dl witherspoon, author: audra rose, theme: humor, author: cara chapel, author: mab, author: lemon drop, author: psychgirl, author: legion, character-related: vamp!jim, author: candy apple, author: morgan, pairing: jim/blair, author: laurie__ky, category: gen, author: sealie, theme: reincarnation, theme: shapeshifting, author: lky, *recs, theme: magic, author: panik, author: josephine darcy, author: gena, author: mackie, author: martha, author: annie, theme: horror, category: slash

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