Ideas anyone?

Aug 24, 2010 10:54

For once it is JIM who is kidnapped and in trouble. Sort of like Cypher except it is Jim that the "Lash" character fixates on. It is either pre-TSBS and Blair is still an observer, or post-TSBS and he doesn't join the force because he still hasn't a gun. Blair figures out where Jim is being held, but can't get anyone at the PD to listen to him, so he takes his baseball bat and goes psycho-hunting. Beats the cr@p out of psycho. I don't remember who wrote this story, but I remember that it was very well written. Gen I think, or very pre-slash.

There is a description of Jim looking over the killer's shoulder and seeing Blair standing on the stairs, holding his baseball bat, his hair tied back in a ponytail, and his face a mask of sheer rage.

I just found this posted by zanesfriend and it caught my eye. It sounds like a really good story so I thought I would ask again to see if anyone might have a idea as to where and what it is?

Any ideas?

theme: kidnapping/hostage, character-related: angry!blair, character-related: blair is not a cop, character-related: kidnapped!jim, category: gen, *found, author: jet

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