Hi I was recently going through some sentinel fiction and came across Tazy's
Explaining Mr. Sandburg
http://www.852prospect.org/archive/archive/32/explainingmr.html and Fixing the paperwork Problem
http://www.852prospect.org/archive/archive/32/fixingthe.html The future consequences resulting from the actions of Sandburg's temporary mentor ship of youths still growing into their potential...
Reading these gave me an oh so sweet feeling. To those souls who've have the chance to meet their own live Sandburg, you have truely been blessed...
I hope to hear of other mentor ships fics out there (wheedling)*pleeeeease* O^O
2nd Request.
A fic, written by Jane Mailander is WATER RISES
http://www.852prospect.org/archive/archive/1/waterrises.html Powerful emotions depict is bittersweet and to this day still brings tears to mine eyes T_T, and a ache to my soul T^T. I've never have consider death fiction tasteful, but after having read it, it's brought me to a whole new world view, and although pain's not my thing, I can't help but ask for it. So any one who thinks there's a fic out there that can rival the caliber of this story please nominate/rec I'd love to hear from you.
whew, hope that wasn't to long winded,
Thank you for taking the time to read,