Looking for Gay!Jim fic

Mar 11, 2010 08:54

The request for fic where Jim and Blair fall in love simply because they love eachother, not because it's Fated To Be, got me to thinking about a fic I read a while ago that fits the same category. I don't remember much about it, but what sticks out in my mind is that Jim was gay, had always been gay, and not exactly in the closet - just not out, either. Blair was completely clueless, and when he finally does realize Jim's orientation, he says something along the lines of 'Of course! How could I not see it? You don't pronounce your vowels right.' I think Jim replies with something like, 'I never could get the straight-boy hip thing right'.

Sorry if this is ridiculously vague, but it's all I can remember. Thanks in advance!

Edit: Found! The fic is Walking Straight by Laura JV. Thanks, everyone, for the fast responce and additional recs. I love this group!

story length: short, *found, theme: insecurity, pairing: jim/blair, character: blair, author: laura jv, character: jim, theme: outed, theme: first time, category: slash

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