Looking for lost gen links...

Mar 04, 2010 18:52

Hello, everybody!

I'm warning you, this request may be kind of hard... I've been browsing my favorites today, and I noticed that some of the links aren't good anymore. Unfortunately for me, I only save the fics by titles...so I do not know the name of some of the authors. I don't even have a summary. But if I had them saved on my favorites, it means I must have liked them quite a lot, and I'd like to find them again.

So, does any of these titles ring a bell with any of you? I'm 99% sure that these stories are all gen, and along the line of action/adventure/angst/drama/hurt/comfort, because that's what I read most  :P I tried the Wayback Machine, but no luck. And unless I'm mistaken, these weren't on the skeeter server.

- "And the password is...?" The author may be Dana Wheels, or something like that... I think her site is not working anymore.

- "Chasing Rainbows" Which is, of course, by the wonderful Panik(gillyp)! For some reason the link I have isn't working. Does anyone have another?

- "Don't I know It". No idea of the author. It was on a Yahoo! Geocities Web site. Same thing for "Forever in a Day" and "The Profundity of Silence" It has auntiehill in the address... rings a bell?

- "Driving Rain" by Linda3. www.thebrowsery.us ... It's been a while since I've read in the fandom. Her site is not working. :( (With the Wayback machine it is...but the stories aren't.)

- "In Sickness and In Health". Again, no idea of the author's name. The address was this : http://chaoscentral.freeservers.com/fever.txt

- For some reason I can't find "Myth's Quest" by Ysone, even though I can access all of her other stories... did she took it off the net?

- "Santa Bandits" . The web address is this, if it helps any : http://smorgasbord.phpwebhosting.com/index.php

- Anyone knows where I could find Jess Riley's fanfiction until they move the stories that were on skeeter? :D

- What happened with Black Panther Productions? I'm looking for "The Janus Effect", but I remember liking some other stories there... (http://www.blackpantherproductions.org/ Copy and Paste. It is quite funny. It Works! Ha ha - Not. Even the link given here, in this wonderful community, in the little "side bar" doesn't work ;P)

- "Unaware" . Also unaware of who the author is. -_-" Same address as Santa bandits though.

That's it! I know that's a lot to ask for, but any help for any of these stories and/or website would be greatly appreciated! I need to establish a new bookmark system. ;P

author: ysone/donna gentry, author: jess riley, author: dawn c., virtual season: black panther production, author: panik, *found, author: linda3, author: auntie hill, fic links, author: hephaistos, category: gen, author: n'wanda, hurt/comfort

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