LF: Bodyguard Jim story

May 21, 2005 15:47

I can recall nearly all the details of this story except for the title and where to find it...grrrrr... Briefly, it goes something like this: Blair is a profiler who specialises in tracking serial killers, an attempt is made on his life while giving a talk in Cascade and Naomi demands Simon put someone on the case. They go to Florida and Jim is shot then retreat to Montana where Blair explains about his chosen career and the kidnapping of his older sister Brenna. There's more but I don't want to give it all away to anyone who hasn't read it before, it's very twisty turny plot wise. I really liked this story and I want to read it again and I can't find it...please help!!!

request: au, pairing: jim/blair, character-related: profiler!blair, *found, author: arianna, author: ariana lussier, category: slash

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