Hello everyone!
I was wondering if you can help me! :) I am in the mood for fanfiction that deals with Jim and Blair in a relationship and children/or child.
I was reading Gillian's Jamie Series all day yesterday and today.(
www.corplink.com.au/~gillianm/Slash_Page.html ) Which I found ADORABLE. :) I loved Jamie's personality along with our two favourite Sentinel and Guide.
I am looking for something like that. Where somehow Jim and Blair adopt/inhert a child or children while their relationship is developing or .they are already are a couple. Also MPREG fics are welcome whether Jim is the 'mother' or Blair.
So Request:
SLASH only please! :) Jim and Blair.
-Child adoption.
-Length of story: Medium to Long preferably
-Happy Ending please, none where the children get taken away or one of the main characters/children die (no death stories, that's not cool) or where Blair and Jim have to give up the/their child/children.
Hope you can help! :) Recommend as many as you want! I love reading stories. Especially long ones.
Thanks! :D