May 16, 2009 22:32
I'm looking for a specific highlander/sentinel crossover. I don't remember all the details. It was def blair/jim and duncan/methos though. I remember one scene in particular where jim was sitting in the back of blair's classroom while he taught and i think he got a headache from sensing methos. i think that both blair and jim were immortal but somehow b/c they were sentinel/guide their presence was muted. also i think this was the same story...but a scene where the 4 were out in the wood/peru/jungle or something, maybe searching for alex, and i remember they were doing perimeter shifts in teams of 2. any help would be much appreciated! i've wracked my personal archives for days lol.
also on that front, i'd be interested in any blair/jim and duncan/methos crossovers. i'm slowly wading my way through the tags, but i like these pairings in particular. it's all right, if there's some other actions say b/w blair/methos, etc, as long as it ends up essentially being blair/jim and duncan/methos.
Thank you!!
crossover: highlander,
pairing: jim/blair,
author: krisser,
category: slash