Seizures, anyone?

Feb 03, 2009 22:29

Yep, I'm one sick puppy..... ;P

I need your help guys!

I've been ready Sentinel fanfiction for the last two years now, and I've read an incalculable amount of stories in such a relatively short time in the fandom. Since I'm a big fan of the hurt/comfort genre, this fandom is a constant source of joy, let me tell you ;P

But I just realised that I don't remember coming across fics where Blair has seizures, epilepsie, or something of the sort. And I'd really like to read some! So I'm looking for some recs ;P

I really prefer gen, but slash is okay also.

Oh! And while I'm at it,... any good slash suggestions? Hum hum, I can see the three hundreds different suggestions coming up x) I very rarely venture in slash, because I have a lot of difficulties finding stories where there isn't a sex scene every five minutes. I love the more intimate relation they have in slash stories, the intimacy is great! And while I have really nothing against sex( hehe..), I just don't really like it when I'm reading a story that's supposed to be focussed on something else, a case for exemple, and I have more sex scenes than anything else. So, there! Suggestions, anyone? ^^

Thanks to you all! And I'll find a fic someone is asking for, someday! If only you weren't so damn fast and more people were asking about gen stories....x )

category: personal faves/best of, category: gen, *recs, hurt: brain damage, hurt/comfort, character-related: hurt!blair, category: slash

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