Ok, two things but they are related. I read Domlir's
Resurrection and OMG was it good. I'm new to the fandom and have never seen the show, but based on comments here and elsewhere, kidnapped, held hostage, threatened with death Blair is a common plot device. So after reading Ressurrection's description I wasn't too interested but I read Domlir's
Moonhunt (which has the best opening chase scene that I've read in along time) so I gave Resurrection a shot. After the gut wrenching experiences Blair had undergone, the new hard and deadly Blair is sadly believable. Domlir's
Guide also shows a "practical" take charge Blair. So I'm looking for recommendations for fic where Blair is not all light and happy, but a bit darker, mature if you will.
And finally, I want to comment directly to Domlir how I've enjoyed her (?) fic. Does anyone know if there is a live journal for Domlir or active website?