Anniversary timetable and checkpoint

May 14, 2016 07:15

Hi, everyone!

Here's the final timetable for our Anniversary Big Bang and the last checkpoint for Anniversary writers. The Anniversary Big Bang is our second of this special year, and is for brand new, stand-alone works.

The schedule is:

Last day for Writer signups - 17 June

Writers' deadline for submissions - 24 June

Last day for Artist sign-ups - 27 June

Art claims begin - 27 June

Art assignments will go out on or before 1 July

Art rough drafts will be due on or before 22 July, and art final copy will be due 5 August.

All being well, posting will begin on 15 August.

As always, there's a little flexibility for anyone who needs more time, except for rough drafts. But if you need to request an extention, you must do so before the deadline day.

If you took part in the Nostalgia Big Bang, you can join in on this one, too.


This will be the last checkpoint before the deadline, so writers can share a taster of their work, including a short snippet. Snippets should be no more than a paragraph or two - just enough to get your readers excited for more.

How to "check in"

You can check in here on LJ, on the Big Bang website or via our mailing list.

Please reply using the template below to let us know how you're doing.

Your project title:
Tell us a little about your project:
Your taster: (optional - a very short snippet of your project)

A note about replying to writers:

I want to encourage you to reply to check-ins. Let our writers know you're excited about their work! And if someone's asking for help, please feel free to offer it. But please bear in mind the purpose of these posts is to be supportive. This isn't the place for criticism or negativity.

Final Note

If you have any problems, questions or ideas about anything, please feel free to write to us at mods at sentinelbigbang dot com or comment on the Page-a-Mod post. We're always here for you.

schedule, 2016 big bang, checkpoint

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