Sensing Pandora by BrynnH

Nov 04, 2010 15:27

(Posting on behalf of the author)

Title - Sensing Pandora
Author - By BrynnH brynnH87
Artist - Patt PattRose
Genre - Gen, crossover, AU, angst
Word Count - 22,600.
Warnings - Some bad language. Violence, but not graphic.
Summary - Blair is in the Avatar program and is paired with a human soldier, Jim Ellison. They find that he is Cha’la’lei (a Sentinel) and endeavor to find out what that means for them and for the Omaticaya.
Writers Notes: This is somewhere between a Sentinel/Avatar Crossover, a Sentinel/Avatar Fusion, and a just plain AU with bits of both. Some characters are more or less the same, some are a little different and some are simply made up. Any differences in this story from either Sentinel or Avatar were intentional because it worked better with the story I wanted to tell, and because my muse can be dang bossy when she wants to be and this is the way she insisted it happened! How can you argue with a muse?

Writers Notes 2: Huge thanks to my beta and cheerleader, nightwing. And to my fantastic artist, Patt. She managed to come up many unbelievably fantastic pics.

Artist notes: I want to thank Brynn for being so easy to work with. She was an angel and gave me tons of ideas and things to work on. Her story is wonderful and I know everyone will love it too. Thank you to Morgan for hosting The Sentinel Big Bang. It's been a lot of fun.

Story url:
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