The big update of doom

Nov 11, 2009 22:34

I've realised that there are a few things that I've done, for challenges or stories, and never posted here. So here it is, the big fat update of doom -everything under a cut to spare your f-list -and your eyes :)

As usual, click on the pictures to view full size (all are worksafe, sadly.)

Banner for whichclothes' Sheherazade (Spike)

Banner for whichclothes' Twice Bitten (Spike)

Another banner for Twice Bitten, this time wolf!Xander

Banner for moscow_watcher's " She will remember him" (orchid!Dawn)

"Wanted" Poster for a challenge at whedonland (Darla, Angelus, Spike)

"Wanted" poster for the same challenge... Gachnar! Not a masterpiece, as you can see, but it still makes me smile ;)

"Post a Secret" challenge at whedonland (Spike)

and a Fred wallpaper, still for a challenge, but I'll be damned if I remember what challenge it was :)

angel, fic art, photomanip, xander, wallpaper, spike

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