Oct 13, 2009 13:10
The Cam will be restoring MC Milestones in December. I am not sure there is any real benefit to it.
For Example, I am MC12. In December I will be able to create a character with the following:
1) Standard Character Creation.
2) + 120 XP
3) + Legacy XP (If Any)
4) MC1: + 20 XP
5) MC3: + 9 XP in the form of non-power related skill specialties.
6) MC6: + 6 - 12 XP in the form of a single Merit (no Power Stat, Fighting Style, or Creation Only).
7) MC9: + 9 - 18 XP in the form of a single Skill.
8) MC12: + 10 - 25 XP in the form of a single Attribute.
So that's reasonable, but I don't know how I feel about it. If I don't have a negative or a positive reaction, does that still make it a good system? Or am I just not caring?